The purpose of the Research Initiative for Science Education in CSD (RISE-CSD) training program is to provide talented undergraduate Speech and Hearing Science majors with direct laboratory research experience through immersive, faculty-mentored activities.


Outreach and Engagement

Clinical Services

CSD Features

A headshot of Ida Stockman

Meet the 2024-25 CSD distinguished alumna

Ida J. Stockman graduated from the University of Iowa in 1965 and is professor emerita in communication sciences and disorders at Michigan State University.
Brandon Alpers smiles during a Hawkeye Marching Band halftime performance.

Meet CSD undergraduate featured in Dare to Discover campaign

Brandon Alpers, a fourth-year studying speech and hearing science, was recognized for his study of hearing loss in children and work with the Pediatric Audiology and Language Lab.
A group of SLP graduate students present to local paratransit drivers.

CSD speech-language pathology students present to paratransit drivers

The students, all members of clinical professor Krista Davidson’s augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) community outreach group, presented to local paratransit drivers.
Eric Hunter

42nd Presidential Lecture explores the importance of voice

The 42nd annual Presidential Lecture, titled “Understanding Our Multiple Voices in 21st Century Communication,” will explore how an individual’s voice can be used as a powerful communication tool. CSD department executive office Eric Hunter will co-lead the University's 42nd Presidential Lecture.
Mili Kuruvilla-Dugdale sitting with students in a classroom.

CSD initiative offers unique research opportunities for undergraduates

The program will provide direct laboratory experience throughout 2025 for six undergraduate students studying speech and hearing science.
Students and faculty from CSD present during the ASHA conference

CSD faculty and students attend 2024 ASHA convention, recognized with grants and awards

The 2024 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association convention was held in late 2024 in Washington state.

Why Iowa?

Hear from three students why they chose Communication Sciences and Disorders at Iowa.

News and Announcements

Meet the 2024-25 CSD distinguished alumna

Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Ida J. Stockman graduated from the University of Iowa in 1965 and is professor emerita in communication sciences and disorders at Michigan State University.

Meet CSD undergraduate featured in Dare to Discover campaign

Monday, March 24, 2025
Brandon Alpers, a fourth-year studying speech and hearing science, was recognized for his study of hearing loss in children and work with the Pediatric Audiology and Language Lab.

CSD speech-language pathology students present to paratransit drivers

Wednesday, March 5, 2025
The students, all members of clinical professor Krista Davidson’s augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) community outreach group, presented to local paratransit drivers.

Upcoming Events

Seminar Series Commemorating the Lasting Impact of the Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center promotional image

Seminar Series Commemorating the Lasting Impact of the Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center

Friday, January 24, 12:00pm to Friday, May 9, 2025 1:00pm
Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center
Join us for our weekly professional seminar, commemorating the lasting impact of the Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center. Topics range all dimensions of communicative studies and disorders (Audiology, Hearing Science, Speech Science, Speech Pathology, Language Acquisition, etc.). Noon to 1 p.m., Fridays at the Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center, 250 Hawkins Drive, Iowa City, IA Presentations are in-person with some also simultaneously streamed on Zoom. (https://uiowa.zoom.us/j...

Seminar Series Commemorating the Lasting Impact of the Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center: Prosem with ASHA Leadership

Friday, April 4, 2025 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center
Title: “100 Years of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association: A Panel Discussion with ASHA Leadership” Speakers: Dr. Tena McNamara, past President of ASHA, Dr. Sumit Dhar, past Vice President for Science and Research of ASHA, and Dr. Bernadette Mayfield-Clarke, current President of ASHA This panel discussion with members of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Board of Directors will explore the evolution of the field of communication sciences and disorders (CSD)...

Live Fieldwork in Astromusicology

Friday, April 4, 2025 7:30pm
Voxman Music Building
Live Fieldwork in Astromusicology While astromusicologists have explored the musical practices of nearby planets like Brazil, India, Java, Palestine, etc., they have yet to conduct ethnographic fieldwork in more distant reaches of the universe. In this concert, the Society for Astromusicology explores the musical practices of the Maxineans, inhabitants of a distant region of our universe ruled by the spirit of Maxine, who has corrupted the laws of physics such that all sound was always already...

2024-25 Distinguished Alumni Lecture - Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Friday, April 11, 2025 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center
Title: "Twin Pursuits: Diversity of Typical Language and the Atypical Language of Autism Spectrum Disorders" Speaker: Ida Stockman, PhD, CCC-SLP, professor emerita at Michigan State University, 2024-25 CSD Distinguished Alumni Awardee A retrospective view is taken of graduate education in speech-language pathology at the University of Iowa, which seeded my professional focus in the field. I will summarize my efforts to (1) change the deficit-based research paradigm for identifying typical...

Webinar: Supervision of Speech Pathology and Audiology Graduate Student Clinicians in Fast-Paced Medical and Educational Settings

Wednesday, April 16, 2025 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Title: "Supervision of Speech Pathology and Audiology Graduate Student Clinicians in Fast-Paced Medical and Educational Settings" Presenters: Laura Schmitt, M.S., CCC-SLP, CBIS, Jacqueline Carder, Au.D., CCC-A, and Nancy Almasi, SLP.D., CCC-SLP Supervising graduate clinicians in fast-paced environments presents challenges like time management, balancing caseloads, and guiding students through new experiences. Effective supervision requires adaptability, clear communication, and strategic...
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2 nd

Ranked Audiology Program in the U.S.
(U.S. News and World Report, 2024)

5 th

Ranked Speech-Language Pathology Program in the U.S.
(U.S. News and World Report, 2024)